New Searchable Music Database!

Hello again everyone!

I recently updated the website so now I have a super slick database system that you can search to really find exactly what you're looking for. I decided now would be a good time to deal with this before I put out much more music.

Please let me know if you find any issues, but I think I've done a decent job of stress testing this new design. It all runs pretty slick on my hardware, but if you notice that it's too slow then send me an email to so I can address it.

For the nerds out there: It's just a JSON structured database that I bring in with a script tag. That feeds the data into my basic little keyword search engine table.

The previous music page will now be my "Works" page, which will be a portfolio of any completed albums or other projects (like games & videos), that my music is in.

Anyway, super excited about this new development, should be much easier to sort through my music :) (and post it lol)